The 30 Day Withdrawal Protocol – Coffee Detox Plan

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30 Day Withdrawal Protocol

I realize this may come as a shock to you, but your morning cup of Joe is tanking your endocrine system. This is one of the hardest subjects to talk about because, let’s be honest, coffee is an addiction, and no body wants their coffee taken away. The ritual. The feeling. The addiction. Doctors even come up with some pretty convincing theories surround the benefits of coffee such as metabolism support, antioxidants, and even helping with dementia. Those same doctors are wanting to keep their addiction, too.

The only thing coffee is doing for you is tricking your endocrine system into thinking it has the day off. Your body is supposed to wake you up with its own cortisol. Your morning cup tells your adrenals they can take a break. Day in and day out, they are off the clock. Then we wonder why we so easily get adrenal fatigue. When you are stressed, your cortisol levels are completely out of whack. May I propose a simple challenge to you? If you think I am crazy, and for sure you think you are not an addict, and that being on coffee or off coffee would not make a difference, then I challenge you to prove me wrong. Take the next 30 days as a “prove Jen wrong challenge”. That’s all I am asking for. 30 days. Go completely off coffee and any thing with caffeine.

The following protocol is designed to help you do this right. I have had hundreds of women take me up on this challenge and the ones that follow the below protocol all say they had no withdrawal symptoms. Also, I have yet to have someone tell me they don’t feel better. In fact, 100% of all the women who have done this, come back to tell me how incredible they feel. That their metabolism has woken up. That they are sleeping better and have more sustained energy during they day. They also tell me how their brain fog has lifted. Their ability to multi-task has come back. Yes, you can get your life back if you just stop drinking coffee!

I don’t ever want to take something away from you though, so it is really important to substitute your ritual with something more healthy. My all time favorite substitute is Dandy Blend Instant Herbal Beverage with Dandelion. You can get it on Amazon and it is incredible! Use more to make it like coffee and use less to make it like a tea. I like to use more and then add a toothpick of nutmeg or cinnamon bark essential oil. Sometimes I will put a small piece of dark chocolate in, or during the winter months add a little egg nog! The almond nog at Trader Joes is amazeballs!

OK, are you ready! Here we go…

Stop all caffeine consumption of any kind. No coffee, no decaf, no tea (herbal is fine), no caffeinated sodas, no chocolate, no Excedrine or pills containing caffeine.

Drink lots of alkaline water. At least half your body weight in ounces. Example: if you are 200lbs then divide that by two swap the lbs to oz to give you a daily intake of 100 oz of water.

Drink 2 ounces of NingXia Red 4 times per day for the first week then adjust down to 2 times per day or as needed. Use NingXia Nitro and/or NingXia Zyng 1-2 times a day ONLY if needed.

Use 1-3 drops per day of your favorite citrus essential oil single or blend. Mix with NingXia Red or add to your water.

Juice at least once per day, and twice if you can. Masticating juicers are best, but a centrifugal juicer is fine too. Drink 12-16 ounces of juiced dark leafy greens such as kale and spinach. Add cucumber, celery, and green apples. Use fresh ginger too if you are experiencing nausea. Drink within 15 minutes of creation to obtain the most benefits.

Take a hot bath every night with 2 cups Epsom Salt and 2 cups Dead Sea Salt for the first 7 nights. For the remainder of the detox take 2-4 baths per week.

The first week get a Raindrop Therapy Massage. Drink more water than usually on this day after your session. Then get a circulation enhancing deep tissue massage once a week. These are often called sports massage to encourage blood flow.

Exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes per day. A brisk walk is fine. You must maintain a higher heart rate and should be sweating by 10 minutes into the exercise. If you’re able to freely talk to someone then you’re not trying hard enough. You must get your lymphatic system moving.

Give yourself freedom to nap and sleep longer. If sleeping in is not an option, then make sure you go to sleep 2 hours earlier than normal.

Consider upping your supplement intake with probiotics, pre-biotics, omegas, B complex, calcium, and immunity supporting supplements. See below for a list of items I recommend.

Expect to be crabby! Your body won’t be happy but it’s important to stick with this for the full 30 days. Mood swings and a bad temper are to be expected, so pray a lot and try to keep your mouth shut. When you feel the urge to get upset, go take a nap if you can. I also alway recommend essential oils for emotional support. Use your favorite emotion supporting oils such as Valor, Melissa, Stress Away, or Sandalwood, or any that you love the aroma of.

Recommended products for this protocol: 
Dandy Blend Instant Herbal Beverage, Epsom Salt, Dead Sea Salt, Colloidal Silver, NingXia Red, Alkalime, ImmuPro or SleepEssence, OmegaGize, Life 9 and/or MightyPro, Super B, Super Cal Plus, Vitality Oils.

4 Replies to “The 30 Day Withdrawal Protocol – Coffee Detox Plan”

  1. I’m intrigued, but what if you have no juicer. I have a Vitamix and can puree my dark, leafy greens and other vegetables mentioned. Is that ok?

    Blessings, Lisa



  2. Love these tips Jen! I literally just decided the other day to start getting off of caffeine. Everyday I was drinking 2 servings of coffee ON TOP OF 2 servings of caffeinated tea AND B12 supplements.


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